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Toronto walk in dental

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Cleaning your teeth and gums properly and at least twice daily is the best way to stay away from toothache pain.

How to brush your teeth ?
Proper way of flossing teeth.
What is Gingivities? Do you know Gingivities?
Dental care for diabetic patient
Importance of fluoride for your teeth


Brushing Tips:                                                                         Back to Top  



  • Use a soft bristled brush, preferably one with rounded, synthetic bristles. Look for the American Dental Association seal of approval. Replace your toothbrush approximately every two to three months or as soon as the bristles are worn or bent. A worn-out toothbrush does not clean your teeth properly, and may actually injure your gums. You should also replace your toothbrush after you've had a cold.
  • Be sure your brush is the right size (in general, smaller is better than larger).
  • Place the bristles at a 45 degree angle to the gum line, and slide the tips of the brush under the gums.
  • Gently jiggle the bristles or move it in small circles over the tooth and gums.
  • Brush the outside, the inside, and the chewing surfaces of your teeth. For chewing surfaces, use a light back and forth motion.
  • For the front teeth, brush the inside surfaces of the upper and lower jaws: Tilt your brush vertically and make several strokes up and down with the front part of the brush over the teeth and gum tissues.
  • Brushing your tongue will help freshen your breath. Debris and bacteria can collect on your tongue and cause bad breath.
  • Since your toothbrush will only clean one or two teeth at a time, change its position to clean each tooth properly.
  • Brush at least once every day, preferably at bedtime. Adding a brush time after breakfast increases your chances of thorough daily plaque removal.
  • Take your time: A thorough brushing should take at least 3 minutes.
  • Don't brush your teeth too vigorously, and don't use a hard bristled toothbrush, since it causes the gums to recede and exposes root surfaces. It also wears down the tooth structure. Both of these conditions can lead to tooth sensitivity.
  • A pea-sized amount of fluoridated toothpaste is sufficient.
  • Replace your brush when the bristles begin to spread, as a worn out toothbrush will not properly clean your teeth.

Flossing Tips:                                                                                    Back to Top


What is the Right Way to Floss?

Proper flossing removes  plaque  and food particles in places where a toothbrush cannot easily reach — under the gumline and between your teeth. Because plaque build-up can lead to tooth decay and gum disease, daily flossing is highly recommended.

To receive maximum benefits from flossing, use the following proper technique:

  • Starting with about 18 inches of floss, wind most of the floss around each middle finger, leaving an inch or two of floss to work with
  • Holding the floss tautly between your thumbs and index fingers, slide it gently up-and-down between your teeth
  • Gently curve the floss around the base of each tooth, making sure you go beneath the gumline. Never snap or force the floss, as this may cut or bruise delicate gum tissue
  • Use clean sections of floss as you move from tooth to tooth
  • To remove the floss, use the same back-and-forth motion to bring the floss up and away from the teeth

What Type of Floss Should I Use?
There are two types of floss from which to choose:

  • Nylon (or multifilament) floss
  • PTFE (monofilament) floss

Nylon floss is available waxed and unwaxed, and in a variety of flavors. Because this type of floss is composed of many strands of nylon, it may sometimes tear or shred, especially between teeth with tight contact points. While more expensive, single filament (PTFE) floss slides easily between teeth, even those with tight spaces between teeth, and is virtually shred-resistant. When used properly, both types of floss are excellent at removing plaque and debris.

Gingivitis                                                                      Back to Top  

Do You Have Gingivitis?


Have you experienced having traces of blood after brushing? Do you think it is normal and not worthy of any further thought? Well, you better think again. You might already be suffering from gingivitis without even knowing it!
According to the Dental survey, three out of four adults suffer from gingivitis.
If left untreated, gingivitis can lead to gum disease, which is the leading cause of some serious dental problems and tooth loss in adults.
To prevent gingivitis and its eventual progression into a full-blown gum disease, it would be best to visit your dentist regularly. Only the dentist can diagnose the problem and give you the necessary advice and treatments.

What is gingivitis?
It is an oral disease that can make our gums inflamed. It usually appears to be shiny. The victims of this oral disease often have mouth sores though the gums may not feel the pain unless pressure is exerted.
The accumulation of bacterial plaque in between a person's teeth and gums can form tartar on the teeth that causes gingivitis. An individual who suffers from gingivitis usually experiences bleeding and itching of the gums.
Gingivitis can be avoided through regular oral hygiene that includes daily brushing and flossing.
Make it to a point to ask your dentist for advice.

Dental care for diabetic patient:                                             Back to Top  

Increasing number of people have been diagnosed with diabetes, and this number is growing. If you have been diagnosedwith diabetes, it is important to inform your dentist. Diabetes can affect your oral health, putting you at a higher risk for developing gum disease and oral infections.

High blood sugar can take a toll on your entire body, including your gums and teeth. If you are diabetic, whether you have been diagnosed with type one or type two diabetes, maintaining your blood sugar level is extremely important.
Brushing, using a soft bristles, twice a day is recommended. It is advisable to see the dentist every 6 months for dental and periodontal exams, and to be able to present your concerns. Diabetics get gum disease more often and blood sugar is harder to control if you have infections. Once infection sets in, the healing process will take a long time, at times leading to tooth loss and the use of dentures.

Importance of fluoride                                                                Back to Top  

About Fluoride
Fluoride exists naturally in water sources and is derived from fluorine, the thirteenth most common element in the Earth's crust. It is well known that fluoride helps prevent and even reverse the early stages of tooth decay.

Tooth decay occurs when plaque — that sticky film of bacteria that accumulates on teeth — breaks down sugars in food. The bacteria produce damaging acids that dissolve the hard enamel surfaces of teeth.

If the damage is not stopped or treated, the bacteria can penetrate through the enamel causing tooth decay (also called cavities or caries). Cavities weaken teeth and can lead to pain, tooth loss, or even widespread infection in the most severe cases.

Fluoride combats tooth decay in two ways:

1.It is incorporated into the structure of developing teeth when it is ingested.
2.It also protects teeth when it comes in contact with the surface of the teeth.

Fluoride prevents the acid produced by the bacteria in plaque from dissolving,
or demineralizing, tooth enamel, the hard and shiny substance that protects the
teeth. Fluoride also allows teeth damaged by acid to repair, or
remineralize, themselves. Fluoride cannot repair cavities, but it can reverse low levels of tooth decay and thus prevent new cavities from forming.


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